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Children for the Oceans: Did you know?

by Romy

Did you know...

Children for the Oceans is an organization that focuses on three main goals: awareness, ambassadors, and action.

Children for the Oceans strives to spread awareness by educating children on what state our oceans are in and how to protect them. They have a network of 7 ambassadors from different countries that use their own platforms to help.

The founder, 16 year-old Thomas Lesage started the NGO before studying on Class Afloatt, a Canadian school on a tall ship that sailed across the world, and educated over 200 kids in 5 countries!

Emma Wright is the Canadian ambassador for the cause, and a dear friend of Romy’s. You can find their educational tools on their website!

“Tant qu’il n’y a pas cette gestion de déchets qui est efficace, ca sera toujours déversé dans l'océan.”


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